BRIDES ON A BUDGET - DIY Wedding Seating Plan
I've never met a Bride yet, who is not on a budget.
Many Brides haven't worked out a budget.... but for most money is tight
Searching the internet reveals that seating plans can cost anywhere from £35 doe a simple rather tacky printed version) to a massive £150!
At Inspired by Script we get asked to make lots of Wedding Seating plan.
Priced at around £6 a table for a full finished version.
The cost is mainly made up of the
actual finishing, measuring and creating
of a seating plan on foam core board.
This can still be way over budget for some Brides.
So.... for a while we have been offering a simplified printed card option
so Brides can take the backed cards and add whatever they want to them ,
Brides of course can still do the whole thing themselves, here's few ideas.
FIRST: Print your tables out on a sheet of A4 paper. We print 4 to a sheet.
So the finished size of the printed cards are 10.5 x 14.7 cm
THEN using a paper trimmer,
you need to trim off 0.5 cm from each of the 4 sides.
They are now 9.5 x 13.7
NEXT: Cut your coloured A4 card into 4
Again using a paper trimmer,
this ensures all the sides are square.
This is how the cards will come to you,
if you choose to order the DIY version.
All ready to decorate....

Again using a paper trimmer,
this ensures all the sides are square.
This is how the cards will come to you,
if you choose to order the DIY version.
All ready to decorate....

Now... let the fun begin....
simply decorate with diamantes
I advise the self adhesive version,
which are available in most craft stores.
Here's a butterfly cut out,
half glued to the card,
giving it a 3D effect.
(We can supply these in matching card colours
when you order the DIY cards for £1.50 for a pack of 10.
The cutter will cost around £22 a good investment if you are
planning on making oddles of butterflies.
Or simply glue on a fabric bow
again available in most craft shops
again available in most craft shops
This is another punch.... this time used to make a lace effect ribbon
And what about display?
Here's one of ours....
you can see more on our pinterest page
This wire heart grabs a lot of attention at the shop,
I bought it from 'The Range' for about £10

And here's a simple vintage stand,
also from 'The Range'
And just in case you manage to find a
old door or window hanging around....
there's always this idea!
And I absolutely love this for the VINTAGE WEDDING!
Use your imagination and don't be scared to be that little bit creative.
All trends start with one person daring to be different!
Any questions?
I'd love to see what you come up with.... share your pictures with me
by emailing them to me at
or through Facebook!
'Inspired by Script'
you can see more on our pinterest page
Any questions?
If you need any help or advice
regarding your Wedding Stationery
or phone the studio on 01609 776 866
We're always happy to give advice :-)
(c) Sue Simpson x
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