Hmmmm well possibly in fantasy fairy land they might.
Now, here's the real are you sitting down and bracing yourself for this?
The truth of the matter is.....
we would rather be making a mess than cleaning it,
housework is a dirty word.....well I suppose there is a limit and we do get round to it eventually,
many of us work with a scatter gun's where our ideas turn into reality.
Actually....looking at this picture you may just believe the first bit was true....

Errrr....this is actually my drawing board on the left and straight ahead are my many means of colouring paper and canvas. From gouache and watercolour, to pastels and paints....It's surprising I can find anything here!

And from this direction it doesn't look too bad either....except in the foreground is my work bench....which piles high with paper until an avalanche forces me to clear it!

Hmmmm.... more pens, paint and ink......

And here's my scissor and cutting area

The Gallery part is however organised, but that's only since being joined by Steve Smith and his honestly didn't look that bad until you show someone else it. I'm sure you know the feeling? You know, the one that doesn't mind showing anyone round the house but for gawd sake, don't let them look under the bed!
All in all, I think we are wonderful, working in chaos can lead to wonderful discoveries. A pile of overlapping papers can draw your eyes and make you see something you never saw before. We forgive ourselves for not having a perfect house, a perfect workspace, or being the perfect housewife or the end of the day, life is just too short....and I and many others would rather leave behind something that we have created rather than a tidy place......and all in all, it's where the 'Magic' happens!
OK....I'm off to have that coffee and humus on freshly baked bread, before I go to listen to the birdsong, and wander the fields in my long floaty skirt.........
Such a great reminder to let go of the things that don't matter. Each day, I chase those things and each night, I go to bed wishing I had just released them and chased the desire to create something beautiful instead. I love every inch of your beautiful workspace and admire you for your ability to free yourself of the day to day mundane routine tasks and just create. Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteoh the lovely clutter of the studio :) Who could possibly be inspired by tidyness...certainly not me!