Before loosing my sight however, I did a few pieces where I cut letters from card and mounted these on top of card again, resulting in a sort of relief effect. Again, loosing my sight would make the chances of me turning any future ideas into reality.....until my new toy arrived 2 days ago!
Using a computer programme, which incidentally is becoming a sharp learning curve and more than a little challenging, I can now sent my graphics to a cutter and cut out tiny letters or large centre vision needed :o)
I've lots of ideas and they are coming thick and fast! At the moment I am at the playing stage and I know that I cannot rush the learning process, just as with calligraphy. There is no easy way to jump ahead.
These are just trial pieces and there will be more 'proper' work to come, of which I will share on the blog and may even add them to my shop.
I think they look superb and I am well pleased with the results so far.
I hope you like them too. :o)
The possibilities are endless with this piece of kit. I think you are definately "cut out" (sorry just had to) for this. :o) xxx